Please use the Cascadia Referee Portal (link below) to complete your discipline reporting.
When entering a red card for giving 2 yellows in a game, you don't enter the yellow cards. You report just the red card and note in your report the reason.
If you are registered with the BC Coastal League you can use your same login information to log in to the Cascadia Discipline Portal. The first time you log in you will need to reset your password but please use your BCCSL login.
All full reports should be written in there. Because you are logging in with your account we will now be able to dialogue with you if we require any further information about the game/cards.
If you do not have a BCCSL login please email us HERE include your name, email, a chosen user name, date of birth and BCSA ID and we will get an account set up for you.
Discipline Guidelines for Players & Team Officials
All participants, players, coaches, managers and volunteers must adhere to the BC Soccer Conduct, Ethics and Discipline Standards Policy and Procedures. www.bcSoccer.net/bylaws
Discipline Committee
The Cascadia Soccer League discipline committee will be chaired by a member of the Cascadia Board.
The discipline process will be as follows:
â–ª Referees will submit game reports
â–ª Discipline issues will come to the league through the League General Manager
â–ª The League Manager will forward discipline reports to the Discipline Chair who will review with the discipline committee.
A hearing may or may not be required. Some discipline issues may be referred to the home district or BC Soccer.
If a suspension is given to a player/team official their club will be notified, the suspension will be entered into the league registration. Any suspensions that last longer than the Cascadia League will still be in effect for the next season.
eg. A player gets a 3 game suspension with only 2 games left in the season, they register for the Fall BCCSL season, they will need to sit out the first game of the fall season.
Appeals of League decisions shall be made to ITP through this form https://www.integritycounts.ca/org/itpsport
Appeals made through ITP have a fee of $500 as set by BC Soccer. For more information view the BC Soccer Discipline, Complaints and Appeals Operational Procedures here https://www.bcsoccer.net/media/oqybtkuf/bc-soccer-complaints-discipline-and-appeals-procedures-november-2022.pdf
Accumulated Cautions
Upon notification by the Cascadia Discipline Manager, anyone receiving three yellow cards in the regular season must sit out the team’s very next game. If the 3rd Caution in the Season was reported in the last game of the regular season the suspension is required to be sat out in the first game of the BCCSL season or if not playing BCCSL the first game of the next Cascadia season.