I pledge to have and show a positive attitude and be responsible during my participation in the league by abiding by the following codes of conduct:
I will practice and encourage good sportsmanship with all players, coaches, game officials and parents at every game, practice and event.
I realize that I have a responsibility as a member of a team sport and will do my best to support the team throughout the season. I will always try my best.
I will attend every practice, game and team event that is possible and will give my coach reasonable notice prior to any practice, game or event, if I am unable to attend.. I will do my best to listen and learn from my coaches.
I will treat not only my coaches but also all coaches, players and game officials with respect and I will expect to be treated with respect in return.
I will accept the decisions of coaches, team staff and officials without incident and will abide by the rules.
If I disagree with a coaching or team staff decision I will speak to my parents who may act on my behalf or I will speak to the coach or team staff directly to express my views in a respectful manner.
I deserve to have fun during my soccer season and will alert parents or coaches if it stops being fun or an enjoyable experience.
I deserve to play in an alcohol, drug and smoke free environment and expect all participants to respect my wishes.
I will refrain from using drugs or alcohol prior to all games and practices.
I will encourage my parents to be involved and support my team and me in some capacity, as it is important to me.
I will always try to be on time for games and practices.
I will remember that soccer is an opportunity to learn and to have fun.
I will agree to refrain from foul language, taunting, and talking disrespectfully.
I will not accept or participate in bullying of any player physically, verbally and emotionally.
I acknowledge that all persons and especially children and young people have a right to be protected from abuse regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.
Failure to comply with the above may result in my temporary or permanent suspension of playing privileges.
I pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for our children participating in the League and all other children participating in the sport of soccer.
I will encourage good sportsmanship by supporting all players and applauding both teams.
As a parent, I will be respectful to all players, coaches, game officials, parents and the public at large at all games, practices and events.
I will encourage and teach our children to always treat all players, coaches, parents, fans and officials with respect.
I will place the emotional well-being of all children ahead of any personal desire to win. We must always remember that the game and the experience is primarily for the children and secondarily for the adults.
I will demand and respect a drug, alcohol and smoke-free environment for our children and all children participating in the sport of soccer.
I will encourage and teach team spirit and will endeavor to have my child attend all games, practices and team events relate to the soccer season.
I will discuss any differences with coaches, fans and officials away and distant from all children in a calm and dignified manner. We understand that the coach is in charge and has the position of authority over the children during games, practices and events.
I agree to follow club policies in regards to any disputes with coaches and officials.
I will always remember to set an exemplary example in all respect of the sport of soccer for the children.
I will not accept or participate in bullying of any player, coach, official or parent physically, verbally or emotionally.
I acknowledge that the welfare of children and young people is, and must always be, the paramount consideration.
I acknowledge that all persons and especially children and young people have a right to be protected from abuse regardless of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious beliefs or sexual orientation.
Failure to comply with the above may result in temporary or permanent removal from Cascadia Soccer League.
I pledge to place the emotional and physical well-being of my players and game officials ahead of any personal desire to win.
I will always keep the players best interests at heart and will do my best to teach them the game of soccer through a positive attitude, good sportsmanship and fair play.
I will always strive to maximize the individual potential of each player and to provide an equal opportunity to all players while respecting each player’s level of commitment.
I will develop a team spirit and encourage each player to support one another.
I will respect players, parents and game officials, and encourage each player and parent to support and respect the game officials.
I will do my best to provide a safe and secure playing environment and facility.
I promise to review and practice the necessary first aid principles needed to assess and, where appropriate, treat injuries of my players.
I will advise and demand that my players, their parents and assistant coaches respect all League Codes of Conduct.
I will do my best to organize practices that are fun and challenging for all players.
I will provide opportunities for all players, assistant coaches and team staff to become knowledgeable in all rules and regulations pertaining to soccer league in which my team will be playing.
I will use soccer coaching techniques appropriate for the development of the age of the child or youth that I teach.
I will remember that I am a youth coach and the game is for the benefit and development of the children and youth.
I will praise and encourage all of my players.
I will not use inappropriate language at any time during practices and or games.
I will demand a playing environment that is free from alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
I will do my best to create and maintain an enjoyable atmosphere for players, game officials and parents.
I will always put the children’s safety, care and feelings ahead of my own.
I will not condone bullying of any team member. I also commit to take the appropriate action to resolve the issue in a fair, consistent and timely manner.