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The administration and management of any/all Premier Sport Leagues “the league" is provided by E11even Management Inc.


Since 2012 E11even Management Inc. has been a Canadian leader in club and event management. We strive to create a fantastic environment for all stakeholders, by providing a well organized and professionally managed league, so that clubs can do what they do best; develop players, coaches, and referees. 


E11even Management will provide dedicated full time staff to manage the league to ensure the following: 


  • Sanctioning and compliance with BC Soccer/Districts

  • Minimum league standards are created and enforced with teams and clubs

  • Communication is timely and accurate 

  • Teams are placed and scheduled appropriately, according to the age and developmental level provided to us by each club’s technical staff.

  • Technology is used to support the overall professionalism of the league


Notable accomplishments include:


  • Operating Canada’s largest soccer tournament series (The Premier Soccer Series formerly known as the SX Cup Series)

  • Operating Canada’s largest soccer tournament (Premier International Cup formerly known as SX International Cup)

  • Operating Western Canada's largest soccer showcase (Premier Spring Showcase - formerly the SX College Showcase) 

  • Consulting/collaborating with top clubs in BC on best practices 

  • Sitting on numerous industry and city committees and boards

  • Serving as subject matter experts for post secondary Sports Administration programs (curriculum design)​​


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