The administration and management of any/all Premier Sport Leagues “the league" is provided by E11even Management Inc.
Since 2012 E11even Management Inc. has been a Canadian leader in club and event management. We strive to create a fantastic environment for all stakeholders, by providing a well organized and professionally managed league, so that clubs can do what they do best; develop players, coaches, and referees.
E11even Management will provide dedicated full time staff to manage the league to ensure the following:
Sanctioning and compliance with BC Soccer/Districts
Minimum league standards are created and enforced with teams and clubs
Communication is timely and accurate
Teams are placed and scheduled appropriately, according to the age and developmental level provided to us by each club’s technical staff.
Technology is used to support the overall professionalism of the league
Notable accomplishments include:
Operating Canada’s largest soccer tournament series (The Premier Soccer Series formerly known as the SX Cup Series)
Operating Canada’s largest soccer tournament (Premier International Cup formerly known as SX International Cup)
Operating Western Canada's largest soccer showcase (Premier Spring Showcase - formerly the SX College Showcase)
Consulting/collaborating with top clubs in BC on best practices
Sitting on numerous industry and city committees and boards
Serving as subject matter experts for post secondary Sports Administration programs (curriculum design)​​